
Windows XP was released on October 25, 2001 and has become one of the most popular versions of Windows for home and business environments.

The HIPAA Security Rule requires all systems to be updated regularly, as of April 8, 2014 Microsoft will end support for Windows XP, after which no new updates, hotfixes, patches or support will be issued.

This is a major problem within the healthcare industry since many computers are still running XP.  Migrating to a new operating system can be a challenging task because some XP machines have proprietary software that are not compatible with Windows 7+.  

Evaluate the technical infrastructure including servers, workstations and network equipment to create a migration plan.  Communicating with product vendors will help create the migration plan.  Vendors can provide support for updating and upgrading the software/hardware.  Implementing Virtualization within your network is a centralized option to replacing your current setup.  A virtual desktop infrastructure is having 50+ desktops reside on one physical server and sharing the resources, such as CPU, storage and memory.

During the migration, providing an efficient setup for the clinical staff may also include upgrading the manageability of the network and designing a much more scalable and secure IT infrastructure.

To protect and upgrade your home or business

 please contact us 856-745-9990 or click here.