
September is National Preparedness Month sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency in the US Department of Homeland Security.  American Red Cross now offers Mobile Apps that include a Volunteer App, First Aid App, Shelter Finder App and multiple natural disaster Apps.  Prepare your company and family for emergency situations using ‘Make a Plan’ feature in each App.

vaVolunteer App

Team Red Cross wants you! Join Team Red Cross to help provide care and comfort to your local community when the unthinkable occurs. Team Red Cross is looking for people with various backgrounds, talents, and skill levels. Make a difference, support your community and join Team Red Cross!

taTornado App

Get your family and home ready for a tornado with the official Tornado App from the American Red Cross. The Tornado app puts everything you need to know prepare for a tornado – and all that comes with it – in the palm of your hand.

haHurricane App 

Monitor conditions in your area or throughout the storm track, prepare your family and home, find help and let others know you are safe even if the power is out – a must have for anyone who lives in an area where a hurricane may strike or has loved ones who do. 

sfaShelter Finder App 

The Red Cross Shelter Finder is available in the iTunes store and works on iOS devices. The Shelter Finder displays open Red Cross shelters and their current population on an easy to use map interface.

faaFirst Aid App

The official American Red Cross First Aid app puts expert advice for everyday emergencies in your hand. The official American Red Cross First Aid app offers videos, interactive quizzes and simple step-by-step advice it’s never been easier to know first aid. 

eaEarthquake App 

Be ready for an earthquake with Earthquake by American Red Cross. Get notified when an earthquake occurs, prepare your family and home, find help and let others know you are safe even if the power is out – a must have for anyone who lives in an earthquake-prone area or has loved ones who do.

wfaWildfire App 

Be ready for wildfires with the official Red Cross wildfire app. Blaze Warnings, Blaze Alerts” and Blaze Path Tracker are tools included with the Wildfire App. You can also let loved ones know that you are safe even if the power is out and learn what steps you should take to prepare your family, home and pets – all from the palm of your hand.

Download these Apps:  Android and Apple