Takeaway:  Tips to change defaults for Outlook Calendar.


Work Week View:

Default “Work Week” is Monday through Friday, 8AM to 5PM.

  1. Select File tab.
  2. Click Options button.
  3. On the left side of the window, click Calendar button (3rd down).WorkWeekView
  4. Under Work Time Section, enter your Start and End time.
  5. Check the days of your Work Week.
  6. Select the First Day of week.
  7. Select the First week of year.
  8. Click OK.


Reminder Alerts:

ReminderAlertsAfter creating or accepting an appointment, a “Default Reminder” is automatically set to 15 minutes.  

  1. Select File tab.
  2. Click Options button.
  3. On the left side of the window, click Calendar button (3rd down).
  4.  Under Calendar Options Section, select your reminder times.
  5. Click OK.

Calendar Time Slots:

CalendarTimeSlotsTime slots for Calendar Appointments are defaulted to 30 minutes.

  1. Select Calendar View.
  2. Right-Click on Timeline.
  3. Select the interval you prefer.
  4. Outlook will automatically update.
    • 5 minutes:  Most space for details.
    • 60 minutes:  Least space for details